We are looking forward to hosting your child at our Kids Club After-School Program! If you need half days and school holidays for September and October please make sure you contact us directly. If you have already signed up for half days or school holidays you should have received an email receipt for next week. If not, please contact us.
Hours: Dismissal until 6:00 p.m.
Transportation & School Information: If your child is being transported by Newtown Public Schools to the Community Center a letter must be provided to the school office giving permission to be transported to the Center.
Inclement Weather Policy: If the school district dismisses schools early due to inclement weather, no Kids Club will be held that day. If school is closed or cancelled for the day, there is also no Kids Club. Please note: We may have other options for those days – you can find those programs in our guide and can sign up at the Front Desk.
Pick-up: To pick up your child you must come in the lobby of the Community Center and sign out your child.
Payment: All fees must be made via draft either through a checking account or credit card. Fees will be drafted weekly
What if my Afterschooler is going to be absent?
Please contact both the school and the Program Coordinator at (203) 270 -4327 in the morning or prior to your absence.
Am I required to sign my child out daily?
Yes, you will sign out your child at the front desk. If anyone other than a parent or guardian is picking up your child, please also notify us.
Who is watching my child?
We have several after school staff assigned to each group each day and lifeguards will be on duty when the children are swimming.
What training do the afterschool staff receive?
All counselors and staff are certified in Adult and Child CPR, AED and Child Abuse prevention
My child needs to take medication during the afterschool program. How does this work?
Please notify us if there is any medication needed, or if your child has any allergies that may require assistance. You may drop off any medication in a ziploc bag to the Community Center with your child’s name clearly labeled on the bag.