Intro to Circus

Intro to Circus

Intro to Circus Arts
Run away with the circus and still be home in time for dinner! This class introduces the fundamentals of circus arts without deep focus on any one. Circus arts classes are unique in that the more ages and sizes there are, the more circus things we get to do. Try your hands at juggling, spinning plates, and diabolo, experiment with rolling and tumbling, test your balance on the walking globe, stilts, and partner balancing and more! In this exciting movement filled class students will develop core-strength, flexibility, and body-awareness while increasing self-esteem, leadership skills, and social-emotional development. No experience necessary. Presented by Circus Moves.
Thursdays | 4:30 – 5:30pm

Program Cost
Member: $110
Resident Non-Member: $115
Non-Resident/Non-Member: $120

Day Time Age
Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm 7-14+